I didn't really think the disaster in Japan would affect me personally--aside from the heartbreak for the Japanese people. I remembered seeing that one of my medications (dexilant-for reflux) had JAPAN on the bottle. So,last night I thought I'd better look into it a little more. I found the name of the pharmaceutical company that makes it--and there are companies both here and Japan,but my bottle said it was from JAPAN. I didn't have any problems getting it filled today and asked the pharmacist if she had heard if there would be a shortage on this drug. She said she hadn't heard anything yet-but she wouldn't be surprised if there were problems getting it as the stockpiles that are already here in the US run out. I asked if I should get my dr to find me another medication and she said she would wait it out a little longer. This is the best medication I've found for reflux in a long,long time. The over-the-counter meds don't work for me,believe me I've tried everything. Guess it's just a waiting game now...
Friday, March 18, 2011
Thursday, March 17, 2011
It's been a few weeks since I posted anything. In that time I had laryngitis/pneumonia-completely lost my voice. It took about 2+ weeks to get over that fully. And now I just feel so run down--mentally and physically. If you are a regular reader/follower, then you know we have some issues with my son. He has adhd/asperger's syndrome (autism spectrum). On a good day,he can be challenging to deal with. I am so tired of people who don't understand these kids and the challenges they face. I'm tired of being made to feel like a bad parent because my kid isn't sitting still during certain situations. If you're not a parent facing these issues with your child,then you just don't know how it is! I'm tired of calling drs and leaving messages for a call back and not getting a response! I'm tired---just tired......
Posted by SweetMissMagnolia at 7:48 PM 0 comments